Wetherby Gardens

Award winning garden, Kensington SW5


  1. All resident dogs MUST be registered with the Garden Committee before they are allowed access to the garden.
  2. Owners are responsible for their dogs at all times and MUST be kept under close control at all times. Do not let your dog out of your sight.
  3. Please note: there is a limit to the number of dogs which can be registered at any time. If the list is full, a waiting list will apply.
  4. Registration process:
    1. Please send an email to enquiries@wetherbygardens.org requesting that your dog be registered.
    2. Providing there is no waiting list, you will be asked to complete the registration forms.
    3. Please complete and return the forms, along with a registration fee of £250.
    4. You will then be invited to meet a member of the Garden Committee to discuss the management of your dog in the garden and have the rules which apply explained.
    5. Once the registration and orientation process have been completed, your dog will be allowed access to the garden.
  5. Owners MUST pick up after their dogs. Plastic bags and bins are provided.
  6. If you are in the garden when it is dark, you must use a torch to keep an eye on your dog. Your dog must be on a lead.
  7. Dogs must not go into the flowerbeds.
  8. If a dog becomes a nuisance, or an owner is not behaving responsibly with regard to a dog, the Garden Committee reserves the right to require the dog to be kept on a lead, or to ban it from the garden.
  9. Visiting dogs are welcome but MUST be kept on a lead in the garden. Their behaviour is the responsibility of the resident key holder of whom they are a guest.
  10. All ball games for dogs are prohibited in the garden. Please do not throw balls or similar items for your dogs to chase and retrieve.
Wetherby Gardens